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Hyeri Jeong and I's challenge was to create a brand that is targeted towards an underrepresented group in any category. We decided to create a wine brand for Gen Z to Millennial women as we felt that there wasn't any wine that accurately represents this demographic.


Our process began by doing store checks, competitor analysis and creating a design brief for our project.

To differentiate ourselves from our competitors, we opted for a more modern, colourful, and fun appearance.

Sustainability is an important aspect for our demographic (and us). We decided to place a higher incentive for our bottles to be returned to stores for recycling purposes. After researching brands that can create sustainable labels, we chose Multiaction certified labels.

Our physical bottles were one of the most challenging aspects of our project. It took lots of scrubbing, patience, and Goo Gone to get our labels in the correct position.


Our final iteration included a food pairing and expected flavor data visualization to make our wine more beginner-friendly. Our color palette and cutouts differentiate us from our competitors and position us in an underrepresented market of young adult women.

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