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This assignments goal was to bring awareness to deforestation in an interactive and informational way.


The concept of my video is to showcase a tree transitioning from a vital part of nature to a product for human consumption. Utilizing the format of stop motion was a crucial aspect of the video, as it allowed me to depict the transformation effectively. By using scrap paper and showing its transformation back into something that serves the trees, I aimed to highlight the importance of sustainability in our consumption habits.


I shot my video using my Foldio lightbox (my prize possession) and moved the elements around with tweezers and tape.


I made this receipt machine out of clay and taped the paper elements onto it. The piano audio was created by my peer Jenine Paulose, and I layered my voice on top of it. Overall, I believe this project was successful as it effectively communicates the message to a wide range of audiences. With more practice in stop motion, I believe I can make the scenes smoother.

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